It's a beautiful night. It is just 9 o'clock, and there is still plenty of light to see out in the meadow, but it is fading quickly. The past few days have been fabulous. Lots of sunshine, warm days into the 70's, and cool, cool nights down into the 50's. Tonight the air is filled with the sweet scent of fresh cut hay, and the breeze is already bringing in a chill. It has been the kind of week at the store that we feel like we are bragging about Vermont to all of the out of town visitors from places like Chicago, Dallas, Pennsylvania and even England. Places that, this year, are having horrible heat, or torrential rain. But these people rave about how great the weather has been here, how green it is, and how much they are enjoying the state. It's nice being able to hear it, though, had I worked there last year, I imagine it could have been lots of complaining about how much rain and gloomy weather we were having. This week I have talked with a man who left here 50 years ago, when he was 10, and was back for the first time. And a lady who wrote the book, Oh No, More Snow who was here with her husband. She bought a snowflake Bentley ornament and a dragonfly because her husband is a zoologist and there is a species of dragonflies named after him. It's all fun.
Did I tell you we have cows boarding on our property?
There are 4: Beth, Luke, Cinco, and Patty. They are here grazing on our meadow, but belong to a friend who didn't have enough grass for them to munch on. They pretty much just hang out in the woods, shoo away the flies, and eat all day. They are low lying Angus beef cows, and they're very mellow. We aren't sure how long they'll be here, but at least thru the fall.
Now, it is solid dark out, and pretty quiet too. No owls tonight, no frogs either. Maybe the cool weather has everyone snuggled in for the night. Tomorrow we are going to New Hampshire for the day to visit my sister, brother-in-law, and their daughter and grandson (my niece and great nephew) who are there for the month from Singapore. It should be a nice day.
Aren't they just the cutest?