Mighty Maple Sunday 16 September 2012
Sometimes I think the sky just can't get any bluer. Of course, that rain yesterday was bringing in a cold front. We went from the 80's on Friday, to only the mid 60's for the daytime high on Saturday. This morning it was 43 when we got up, and even with the bright sun, we only got back into the mid 60's again. What a glorious day it has been. I worked all day, and with the door propped open, and the noises from the street filtering in, it made for an early fall feel to the afternoon. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the cooler, brisk feel to the day. And shoppers were out in full force, which made the day go by quickly. I was in alone, which I often enjoy more than working with someone. Don't get me wrong, its not that I don't like the staff, its just that I think we tend to focus more on the customers when the store rests in our solo hands. Or maybe that's just me. But it was a good day, people in good moods, talkative, easy-going. Spent some time chatting with the man, Mr. Bailey, who is running for Justice of the Peace here in Burlington. He was really nice. I only have 2 more days to go of my 6 day stretch, so I am looking forward to my Wednesday off.
It's now Friday, and I realized that I never got back to posting this entry! The week is nearly over, and it will be time tomorrow to snap another photo of Mister Maple. The weather has been everything from cold rain and wind, the coolest clear night of 39, and today was warm and sunny and mid 70's. But we have rain in the forecast for tonight and tomorrow, so the next picture may have to wait. I looked at it this afternoon on the way back from walking the dog to get the mail, and there are so many spots now changing colors. It will still take another couple of weeks before it peaks. I hope we have great colors this year. I better post this now before another week goes by and its still here!