Echos of Memories
The grandchildren have gone, the house is quiet, the toys are put away until the next visit, and the bed sheets have been washed and refolded. I wonder how my own mom felt in the days after we had come and gone when my own girls were little. Its easy to feel sad, and a little hesitant to resume normal life again. I know my little 2 year old granddaughter has cried for me several times since leaving. The first time was right after they got thru security and to their gate, when she realized I wasn't coming with them. I guess she was calling me about as loud as she possibly could for about 5 minutes. And she has asked several times to get back on an airplane and come back to Mimi's house. The bonds are there, and that is good, but it hurts knowing I can't just be there whenever I want to. Maybe though, maybe if I did live right down the street from them like we did before, maybe there wouldn't be this longing. Eventually she will begin to remember special trips up here, and her memories will begin to form favorite things we did, or will do again. I, too, feel some of her misery. I think of her when I take the dogs out for their walk because when she was here she "tinkled" three times outside, "like the doggies do.". Or when I walk past the baby strawberries she picked, or when I sit out in the sunroom where we spent so much time playing, even at night when I hear the barred owl calling "who, who, whoooo." It was a good visit, and yes, its hard to say goodbye, but there are always the memories...

Playing ball.
Standing with Mishka
At the playground
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