
Friday, July 5, 2013

A Warm, Rainy and Muggy Summer

It's July! Summer is well under way here in Vermont. This one has been very damp and humid, and the forecast shows mostly more of the same for 10 days out. We talk about the weather here. A Lot! Probably because it changes so much. You can never count on days and days of sunshine and consistent temperatures like you can in some parts of the country. I am finding the topic of weather is often brought up at work, especially now that there are so many tourists coming into the store. Many visitors aren't that bothered by the storms we have been having, and like to compare it to what they have at home. Most of the complaints are coming from the Vermonters who know that summer is extra short way up here in the north, and having so many days of unsettled weather means an even shorter time of nice days before the season changes again. Visitors are here for a week or two, and let's face it, no one comes to Vermont, even in July, for beach weather! I would have to say the absolute worst thing about this kind of summer is that the bugs are out in full force, especially the blood-thirsty mosquitoes. They are so horrible this year, everywhere. It's awful just taking the dogs down the driveway for their afternoon walk. One step in the grass and the mosquitoes swarm around the dogs and me. By the time we turn around to come back we run to try to outpace them. Sometimes it works, and other times it doesn't. ...but, it sure is GREEN here!

I did escape to Cape Cod for a few days the end of last month:

This is the beach a block from the house. 12 of us were all together in a big old house my niece and her husband rented. It was so much fun, and a great vacation. All of my and my sister's grandchildren, sister, brother-in-law, 2 daughters, niece and husband. Beach time, play time, book time, super-super meals prepared by a world renowned chef, We had great weather the whole time. A morning or two of fog that burned off by 10, but mostly sunny, warm days perfect for the beach and ice cream. It was exhausting, but a wonderful 5 days filled with lifetime memories for all. 

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