
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Changes

Last week was Summer. From Sunday thru early Saturday it was hot, humid and miserable. We had 6 days of temperatures in the 90's, lots and lots of storms, and blazing sun when it wasn't raining. We often get hot spells like that, and they sometimes last for several days in a row, so I wouldn't consider it strikingly unusual. Tourists, however, were pretty surprised, especially those who thought they were heading north for cooler weather. They should have travelled south to Dallas. Sunday and Monday their highs were only in the 70's. Friday it was 98° when I drove thru Burlington and got on the highway. As I travelled home the temperature dropped to 70 by the time I pulled onto our road. The rains came about an hour later. Sunday was really nice. Cooler, drier and less humidity.

Today, it felt like Autumn. It was pretty sunny and nice in town, but still only 70° when I left work. It was cloudy, breezy and 57° when I got home. The house felt chilly and all the windows were closed up. I put pants on and now I have a long sleeve top on! I know it will still warm up,  but most of the daytime highs in the week ahead are only in the 70's, with an 80 here and there. Just like that, we forget that week of super hot weather, and we start to think about the colors changing on the trees and apples and pumpkins! It can change so quickly here, but that's what makes it fun too.

Other changes will be happening soon too, along with the change in the season. On Sunday my sister will join her husband in our family room to begin their lives in Vermont. We will all be trying to live together as one happy family until they sell their house in New Hampshire and find another to buy here in Vermont. They will both be living here because they have taken transfers with their jobs, and need to begin working here. My brother-in-law has been here since the first of June, and my sister will start her job on Monday. I know this won't always be easy, I know there will be days we will all be in each other's way, but I'm also excited to be able to have them closer and to share what we love about Vermont with them. A move is one of life's most stressful occasions, and I hope I can help them get thru it as easily as possible. It will be tough on them, and probably us too, but we will make it work, and in no time at all, they will be settled in their wonderful new home, and we will be able to share so much more of our everyday life with them. This is going to work out wonderfully! I will keep you posted!

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